When Should You Replace Siding?

When Should You Replace Siding?If you’re wondering whether the siding on your home needs to be replaced, there are a few guidelines you can follow. Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is my siding loose or cracked? Can I see any gaps? Florida is infamous for its hurricanes, and these tropical storms can do a number on your siding. Strong winds can loosen or even crack siding boards, leaving gaps where water and pests can enter.
  • Does my siding show any signs of rotting? Rotting can manifest in many different ways. Maybe your siding is visibly warped or soft to the touch. Or perhaps it crumbles or makes a hollow noise when lightly tapped—this can be a sign of dry rot.
  • Have my heating and cooling bills inexplicably increased? Siding is meant to insulate your home, so if it’s not doing its job, you might notice higher energy costs.
  • Is my siding detracting from the beauty of my home? When you look at a house, one of the first things you notice is probably the siding. That’s no surprise—siding takes up the majority of space on the exterior of a home, so it’s bound to leave an impression. If your siding has faded, started peeling, or sustained dents or other damage, it can considerably reduce curb appeal.

The Importance of Replacing Your Siding

One of the main reasons why it’s so important to replace damaged or worn-out siding is because doing so can significantly improve household energy efficiency. As noted above, siding damage can have a huge impact in this regard. Plus, today’s siding materials are considerably more energy efficient than those of the past, and some are even specially designed for maximum insulation.

Another reason to replace your siding is to protect against water infiltration. Once water enters your home through damaged siding, it causes wood to rot, which can in turn attract termites and other pests and compromise the structural integrity of your house. Plus, water infiltration can lead to dangerous mold growth.

Industry-Leading Siding for Homeowners in Tampa, Orlando & Fort Myers

If you own a home in Tampa, Orlando, Fort Myers, or a surrounding area, you can turn to the home improvement experts at Morgan Exteriors for first-rate siding replacement services. We offer complimentary in-home consultations, and we’d be glad to send one of our team members to your property to take a look at your siding and let you know whether you have anything to worry about.

If it turns out that you do need new siding, you’ll be glad to know that we carry top-of-the-line products. For homeowners who prefer vinyl siding, we offer cladding from Ply Gem, North America’s No. 1 vinyl siding manufacturer. And for homeowners interested in fiber cement siding, we install James Hardie products. No matter which option you choose, you can rest easy knowing that your new siding will be installed by factory-trained professionals, all of whom are in-house company employees.

Contact Morgan Exteriors today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about our siding installation services. We look forward to assisting you with your siding needs.